Our Inspiration

Hon’ble (Late) Tatyasaheb Gunjal
Shivneribhushan, Founder, Chairman
2 March 1943 - 18 October 2020
आमच्या संस्थेचे दिवंगत संस्थापक अध्यक्ष, शिवनेरीभूषण कै. महादेव उर्फ तात्यासाहेब रखमाजी गुंजाळ हे आम्हा सर्वांसाठी चिरंतन प्रेरणा आहेत. एक यशस्वी उद्योजक, प्रभावी राजकारणी, उल्लेखनीय समाजसेवक आणि समर्पित शिक्षण-महर्षी कै. तात्यासाहेब गुंजाळ हे साक्षात यशाचे मूर्तिमंत रूप होते. शून्यातून विश्व निर्माण करणारे तात्यासाहेबांचे यश हा काही चमत्कार नव्हता, तर अथक परिश्रम आणि चिकाटीच्या जोरावर साध्य केलेले ध्येय होतं. दूरदृष्टी दुर्दम्य इच्छाशक्ती आणि परिश्रम यांच्या बळावर यशस्वी व्यक्तिमत्व घडलेले होतं. त्यांचे नेतृत्व आणि मार्गदर्शन आम्हा सगळ्यांसाठी प्रेरक आणि आत्मविश्वास वर्धक ठरत होते. स्वकष्टातून बहरलेलं अमर्याद इच्छाशक्तीतून घडलेलं कर्तृत्ववान व्यक्तिमत्व म्हणजे आदरणीय तात्यासाहेब गुंजाळ हे होत. तात्यासाहेबांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली जयहिंद ग्रुपने सर्वोच्च यश संपादन केले. आदरणीय तात्यासाहेबांच्या ठायी अहंकाराचा लवलेश नव्हता आणि याच स्वभाव गुणामुळे अत्यंत लोकप्रिय झाले होते. त्यांच्या आकस्मिक निधनाने कधीही न भरून निघणारी पोकळी निर्माण झाली परंतू त्यांनी प्रचलित केलेली तत्व आणि ठरवून दिलेली कार्यपद्धती आम्हाला नक्कीच सातत्याने अधिक उत्तम कार्य करण्याची प्रेरणा देत राहील.
The ever revered Shivneribhusan Hon’ble President (Late) Tatyasaheb Gunjal has been a perpetual inspiration for all of us. He was a visionary who epitomized success in all walks of life. He was a successful businessman, impactful politician, noteworthy social-activist and a dedicated educationist. His rise from the edge to riches was not any surprise or chance. It was all the struggle and strong willingness to excel made him a great achiever. His leadership and guidance were motivating and confidence booster for all of us. Hon’ble Tatyasaheb Gunjal was a self-made man who was a very different from most other achievers. Jaihind group scaled to paramount under the authority of the Hon’ble Tatyasaheb Gunjal. He had everything except ego and it was a something that endeared him. The sad demise of Honorable Tatyasaheb Gunjal has created a big vide. But the ideals and a principles set by him will always guide and inspire us to do more and better.

Jaihind Comprehensive Educational Institute

Jaihind Comprehensive Educational Institute was established in 1996 with mission to educate rural and economically background students. Society opened the first educational set-up namely “Jaihind Polytechnic, Kuran” which is formerly known as Institute of Technology imparting quality technical education at diploma engineering level. Since its foundation, Jaihind Polytechnic has always been running on the path of progress and development.

Courses Offered

1. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
2. Civil Enginnering
3. Computer Engineering
4. Electronics & Telecommunication
5. Mechanical Enigneering

1. E&TC (Signal Processing)
2. Mechanical Engg (Design)
3. Computer Engineering
4. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

1. Civil Engineering
2. Computer Enigneering
3. Elect. & Telecom Engineering
4. Mechanical Enginering

1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
2. Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
3. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)


Jaihind Comprehensive Educational Institute was founded on the principle to contribute socio-economic development of the nation by imparting high quality technical education in rural area, we haven’t strayed from that vision.



Years in education

Students per year

Students Placed